Month: October 2012

Kurt Vonnegut: Letters

Kurt Vonnegut: Letters Edited and with an Introduction by Dan Wakefield There is a great moment in Dan Wakefield’s introduction to Kurt Vonnegut: Letters, it’s early on when he reveals that Vonnegut loved the underdog, and the reason’s are very clear.…

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Why I Love What I Do – Michael Reynolds

Among those who read out of love for it, and not simply to pass the time between appointments; and among indie bookstores that showcase literature out of love for it, and not simply because it’s a way to make a buck; Europa Editions stands out as a distinguished publishing enterprise.Recently…

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Literacy Talks

There’s an obvious gap in conversational routine and novelty between those who read books and those who don’t. It’s a glaring division in verbal resources.…

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Illuminati by Jim Gavin

from Middle Men: Stories by Jim Gavin Simon & Schuster 2/13 I won’t discuss the third story in this collection, “Elephant Doors”, as there is just too much for me to spoil.…

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