I’m still waiting on the new Tom Rachman, it’s out there, don’t worry (I’m not worried, just really anxious because I know a little about it, but I’m under the cone of silence).
A debut collection from Rebecca Lee, Bobcat (Algonquin 6-13), and How to Read a Novelist by John Freeman (FSG 10-13), I’ve read the first section from each of these and they both got my attention. Freeman’s is more of a desk guide for writers; Lee’s collection seems brilliant.
The Unknowns by Gabriel Roth just arrived, (Reagan Arthur 7-13) and the pre-pub buzz on this is massive, sorta Then We Came to The End-like.
A bookseller friend of mine gave me a copy of Tampa, by Alissa Nutting, (Ecco 7-13), which is basically Chad Kultgen written by a girl, so sexy, hot, with tons of masturbation.
The Friedkin Collection, William Friedkin (Harper, on sale now), is super cool, as I’m a To Live and Die in L.A./French Connection fan.
The Shining Girls byLauren Beukes, (Mulholland, on sale now), We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo, (Reagan Arthur on sale now), Murder as Fine Art by David Morrell (Mulholland on sale now), Amity & Sorrow by Peggy Riley (Little Brown on sale now), and You by Austin Grossman, (Mulholland, on sale now). And I just started reading this really cool crime thriller by a former member of The Royal Military Police called The Cuckoo’s Calling. It’s a slick piece of business, the author is Robert Galbraith – a pseudonym…(Mulholland, on sale now)
Another collection was brought to my attention, The Peripatetic Coffin, by Ethan Rutherford, seems like an interesting debut, (Ecco 5-13), which I’m meaning to read, just like the Rebecca Lee.
A Map of Tulsa by Benjamin Lytal (Penguin Paper, on sale now) had me hooked (it got rave reviews in the NYT), then all this other stuff showed up, and I lost track of what I was reading, (and I wanted to read The Odds Against Tomorrow), and If You Were Here, by Alafair Burke, (Harper 6-13), seems like a Gone Girl hopeful, or at least that’s how I’ve been sold.
Way back when I was in short pants Nicola Griffith wrote a novel called Stay, and it really got my attention, she is edited by the amazing Sean McDonald at FSG, this book is called HILD, (FSG 11-13).
Wilton Barnhardt has a new Corrections-ish novel, Lookaway, Lookaway, (St. Martins 8-13).
The fine folks at HMH have sent me the very cool The Big Crowd by Kevin Baker (9-13), and Claudia Silver To The Rescue by Kathy Ebel, (6-13).